Care for Pastors
Pastors are human too and care-giving professionals have an extra level of stress and weight during this global coronavirus pandemic. As we experience a new way of living and ministering, people are realizing how to get help virtually and instantly even when we’re physically distant.
We want to point to resources and a safe place to support pastors personally. While there are many helpful ministries, resources, books, articles, and other resources that provide content, there are also times when church leaders and pastors need to have a personal connection with another person who can care for him/her.
Are you a pastor who needs support now?
Where pastors can call and talk to someone right now:
- 844-PASTOR1 (844-727-8671) – Pastoral Care Line of Care4Pastors—A free, confidential, dedicated line for pastor families. Trained professional counselors are available from 8am-10pm (ET). Confidentiality Ensured by The Family Help Center. (a ministry of Southern Baptists’ North American Mission Board)
- 352-728-8179 – 24/7 Hotline of Care for Pastors– “Our commitment to caring for pastoral families is evidenced by our availability.”
- 877-233-4455 – (M-F 9am-4pm Mountain) Pastoral Care Line of The Parsonage – “Our support and crisis phone line for pastors and their families features a professional staff of pastors-to-pastors who can provide an understanding ear, a word of advice, a timely referral or a simple prayer… because we’ve all been in your shoes.” (a ministry of Focus on the Family
Pastoral Care Ministries and Resources
Who cares for the pastors and clergy? Here are ministries that care and provide personal support, in addition to professional Christian counselors and therapists. (Consultants and coaches can provide organizational support.)
- Standing Stone Ministry – Shepherding Shepherds by guiding ministry leaders into healthy ministry, at no cost to you or your ministry
- Pastoral Care Inc. – serving pastors through immediate assistance, educational support, and research
- Pastor Support Network – “mentoring, counseling, assistance, and other support to pastors, ministry families and churches”
- PastorServe – “serves pastors by providing coaching, crisis support and consulting.”
- Soul Shepherding – resources and training for pastors and ministry leaders to thrive with Jesus
- Full Strength Network – “a growing national network of caregivers and service providers passionate about helping pastors and their families thrive in ministry life”
- Blue Fire Legacy – “provides professional pastoral care with no cost to clients during times of burnout, personal crisis, or ministry challenges.”
- Clergy Care – a ministry of Focus on the Family Canada with confidential support from professional counsellors, retreats, articles, and resources
- Caring for Pastors – Christian counseling and life coaching for pastors, missionaries and christian workers
- ChurchCare Ministries – caring for churches, pastors, and their staff
- Ministering to Ministers Foundation – “We advocate for Ministers. We reclaim Ministers. We equip Ministers.”
- PastorCare Network Inc. – a Christ-Centered Caregiving Network for hurting clergy providing resources
- SonScape Retreats – “guided retreats that help pastors, missionaries, parachurch leaders, along with their spouses, to balance the demands of life, family, and ministry while rekindling their passion for Christ and His church.”
- Clergy Recovery Network – “To mentor ministry professionals through personal crises and early recovery and to guide their ministries toward spiritual and organizational health before, during and after leadership crisis.”
- 1010 Ministries – “rest and care for Christian leaders and their marriages”
- CareGivers Forum – “an annual gathering of people from across the United States and elsewhere who are involved in the ministry of caring for professional Christian workers and their families.”
- Refuge Foundation – diverse consortium of individuals who care deeply about non-profit leaders and desire to see them flourish. All too often, non-profit leaders experience stress and scrutiny that leads to leadership burnout.
- Scott Free Clinic – provides Christian clinical counseling, coaching, and consulting services to persons and churches internationally, without the barrier of cost, so that lives will be changed and churches improved through Christ, for the glory of God.
- Care for Pastors – “To see pastoral families persevering in ministry, developing a healthy church, and leading in community transformation.”