Get Help & Resources for Mental and Emotional Health
During challenging and stressful times, many Christian brothers and sisters, pastors, clergy, and church leaders are experiencing anxiety, worry, depression, stress, and other emotional and mental distress. In addition to valuable information and practical advice, connecting with other people interactively in real-time using the phone, video conferencing, and online sessions can be very helpful. On this website, you’ll find a curated collection of resources for wellness and mental health. Please contact us and add other resources you know of.
Pray With Someone Right Now
Have the extra assurance of praying with someone right now, anytime, anywhere, without worrying if you’re interrupting someone or can’t reach a friend. People can support you with prayer right now when you’re alone and isolated or in whatever situation.
Hope for Mental Health Community
Saddleback Church hosts this monthly Hope for Mental Health Community as a safe place for anyone living with mental illness, family members, friends, volunteers, and anyone who has a passion to journey with others toward hope. Join to connect, learn about mental health and wellness, and provide support to one another. This community is founded on the spiritual truths that you are loved, you have a purpose, you belong, you have a choice, and you are desperately needed in this world.
What if you’re a pastor or clergy who is stressed out?
For pastors and clergy working on the front lines of ministry and might be experiencing extra stress, there are hotlines and caring people they can call to receive empathetic listening and support. Yes, pastors, you can talk with someone for free, safe and confidential.
Disability Ministry Video Roundtables
Each month Key Ministry hosts two Disability Ministry Video Roundtables, which are opportunities for you to gather with your fellow ministry leaders for face-to-face (virtual!) discussion. Ministry leaders from around the country interact via Zoom videoconference to discuss issues pertaining to disability ministry. Please register.
Compassion in Action: A Guide for Faith Communities Serving People Experiencing Mental Illness and Their Caregivers
The federal government has issued this free guide, “designed as a resource to help faith leaders from all religious and spiritual traditions, as well as their congregants.” Published by the Center For Faith and Opportunity Initiatives (Partnership Center) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
This 42-page guide will “increase awareness and build capacity to serve people in their midst experiencing mental illness, and to care well for their family or caregivers.”
Trauma Healing Basics are simple, practical tools that anyone can use to learn about and respond to trauma. Developed by the team at Trauma Healing Institute, these free resources combine mental-health best practices with the wisdom of the Bible. This unique approach to healing the pain of trauma has proven safe and effective in our work in over 100 countries in 20 years of ministry. Get these free resources at
Get free resources to help guide conversations about trauma, loss, and lament at BeyondDisaster.Bible – practical tips for bringing our pain to God.
Articles about Mental Health
Breakthrough: Global Day of Hope 2023
As a celebration and recognition of World Mental Health Month, American Association of Christian Counselors is launching a dynamic, one-day event featuring the world’s leading mental health and ministry leaders joining together to shine a light on today’s mental health issues in our homes, churches, and the greater world community.
September 7, 2023 event: Faith, Community and Mental Health
On behalf of the Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, we invite you to attend our upcoming event, Connecting at the Intersection of Faith, Community and Mental Health: The Urgency of Now. This is...
Church Mental Health Summit on October 10, 2023
On World Mental Health Day (October 10), Spiritual First Aid will join forces with Hope Made Strong and Biola’s Rosemead School of Psychology to present the Church Mental Health Summit. The free online summit for church leaders is a one-day event that will be...
About MentalHealth.Bible
This website serves faith communities with a curated collection of mental health resources that are especially useful for churches, clergy, pastors, Christians, and others for whom faith is a key component of their lived experience.
Trauma Healing Institute
Bible-Based Trauma Healing Care for the Global Church
Trauma Healing Institute (THI), a ministry of American Bible Society, provides training, resources, and support to help the Church respond to trauma in communities around the world. Built on a solid foundation of mental health best practices, this Bible-based model leads to sustainable trauma care in any context. Learn more at
NAMI FaithNet
NAMI FaithNet is an information exchange network of NAMI members, friends, clergy and congregations of all faith traditions who wish to create more welcoming and supportive faith communities for persons and families touched by serious mental illness. NAMI FaithNet also encourages the role of faith in recovery for those for whom faith is a key component of their experience.
Mental Health Awareness Calendar
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
July is BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month
October is Mental Health Month (Australia)
First week of October is Mental Illness Awareness Week
October 10 is World Mental Health Day
September is National Suicide Prevention Month
September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day +
National Suicide Prevention Week is the week with that Day
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day in November, on the Saturday before American Thanksgiving
Do you have resources to share?
Do you have resources to share with others? Please contact us and we can add them to MentalHealth.Bible. We are happy to hear your feedback, questions, and comments too.

About the Green Ribbon
The color lime green represents mental health awareness. Wearing the lime green ribbon is a great way to open an honest dialogue with friends, family, classmates and co-workers about mental health. And it’s an easy way to show your support.